Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg at the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly

Photos: BMEIA/Gruber

On September 26, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg delivered a forceful speech to the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, addressing current global challenges and the need for international cooperation to address these crises. His speech focused on the call for more effective and inclusive multilateralism and the defense of the rules-based international order.

“The past few years have shown that we are in a permanent state of emergency. Insecurity and crises have increased – whether through Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, the growing instability in the Middle East or the consequences of climate change. However, it is precisely in these times that we must work together more than ever,” emphasized Foreign Minister Schallenberg.

The Foreign Minister paid particular attention to the ongoing war in Ukraine and the humanitarian catastrophe in the country. Russia continues to violate fundamental principles of the UN Charter. Schallenberg made it clear that Austria's military neutrality should not be understood as inaction. He emphasized that a world in which Russia successfully shifts borders with military force poses an increased threat to the international community.

The Foreign Minister called on the international community to stand united behind the principles of international law in order to achieve a negotiated solution based on justice and peace. “No one wants peace in Ukraine more than the people of Ukraine themselves. But it must be a negotiated peace,” not a diktat from Moscow, said Foreign Minister Schallenberg.

In addition to Ukraine, the Foreign Minister also turned his attention to the Middle East, where the attacks by the terrorist organization Hamas on Israel and the subsequent escalations have sparked a new dimension of violence in the region.

“The terrible events of October 7, in which innocent civilians were brutally murdered, tortured and abused, have left deep trauma. At the same time, the Palestinians in Gaza are experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe of unprecedented proportions. We need a ceasefire immediately to allow humanitarian aid to be provided. Protecting the civilian population on both sides is paramount,” warned Foreign Minister Schallenberg.

In conclusion, he emphasized that the international community must not only defend the existing institutions of multilateralism, but also reform them. He underlined Austria's commitment to a reform of the UN Security Council. The system of global order, as it exists today, no longer delivers. The Security Council reflects a world that has long since passed away.

However, the Foreign Minister was optimistic about the future.

Foreign Minister Schallenberg confirmed, that we are facing a time of change and uncertainty. However, open, pluralistic societies have proven their resilience in recent years. Confidence in our principles and our own strength is the key to meeting the challenges of this new era, underlined Foreign Minister Schallenberg.

Photos: BMEIA/Gruber


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