Ambassador Schneebauer Presents Credentials to President Biden
Ambassador Schneebauer with President Biden
© White House Photo Office
On April 19, 2023, Austrian Ambassador to the United States of America Petra Schneebauer attended a ceremony at the White House, in which she formally presented her Letter of Credence from Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen to U.S. President Joseph R. Biden. While there, she gifted President Joseph R. Biden with a photo of the iconic Vienna Ferris Wheel taken in winter 1945/1946. The photo was taken by Yoichi Okamoto, former White House photographer and head of the U.S. Pictorial Service in Austria. It is meant to be a symbol of Austrian-American friendship and a reminder of the generous U.S. support to postwar Austria. President Joseph R. Biden warmly welcomed the Ambassador and emphasized the strong partnership between the Republic of Austria and the United States of America.
Ambassador Schneebauer with copy of Yoichi Okomoto’s photo of the Vienna Ferris Wheel, taken in winter 1945/1946 and gifted to President Biden.
© ÖB Washington