Climate Innovation, USA Meets the Alps

On Tuesday, September 21st Leonore Gewessler, the Austrian Minister for Climate Action spoke virtually at the joint embassy event, “Climate Innovation, USA Meets the Alps.” The symposium was organized by the German and Swiss embassies in DC and included the participation of all embassies of alpine countries.

The Austrian Minister for Climate Action presented the new Climate Research Center Ötscher. The Ötscher region in Austria will be developed into a unique research area to study the effects of climate change on biodiversity, land use, and society. “Complete melting [of glaciers] will ultimately cause one fifth of plant species to disappear,” said Minister Gewessler at the symposium.

Austria is currently chairing the Alpine Climate Board and in her address Minister Gewessler underlined the common approach of the Alpine countries: “We all follow the same path to become a climate neutral and climate resilient region”.


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