Orange the World - We can end violence against women

Orange the World Campaign Visual

"16 Days Against Violence" on all channels of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Violence against women and girls remains one of the most widespread human rights violations. For this reason, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is setting an example against violence under this year's motto "We can end violence against women," and is also participating in the 2022 "Orange the World - 16 Days Against Violence" campaign, which takes place annually between November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls, and December 10, International Human Rights Day. This initiative was launched by UN Women, the United Nations women's organization that promotes gender equality worldwide.

For 16 days, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is making the issue of gender-based violence accessible to a wide audience on its social media channels. In addition, Austria's representations around the world are raising awareness of violence against women and girls and setting the corresponding priorities in their work throughout the year.

“Worldwide, one in three women is affected by violence in the course of her life. It has a massive impact on the lives of those affected and deprives them of the opportunity to lead a free and self-determined life. One thing is clear: We must continue our efforts and take a clear stand against violence against women and girls. It has no place in our society,” said Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg.

Gender-based violence occurs in a wide variety of forms in all societies, age groups and social classes. In addition to physical and psychological violence, women and girls also experience sexualized violence, for example as part of war tactics in armed conflicts. Tradition-based forms of violence, such as genital mutilation and forced marriages, affect countless women and girls worldwide. In addition, women who publicly stand up for their rights or work as independent journalists are targeted daily for oppression and attacks online and in the streets. The need to combat gender-based violence across national borders is demonstrated by the problem of human trafficking, which largely victimizes women and girls affected by poverty.

Due to the multi-faceted nature of the problem, Austria is focusing on preventing and combating gender-based violence throughout the year as part of its foreign policy, development cooperation, and in the provision of humanitarian aid.

For example, the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) promotes initiatives that protect girls and women from violence, sexual exploitation, harassment and sexual abuse. It is particularly important to combat harmful social norms and traditions at the local level. In partner countries, ADC provides female victims of violence with psychosocial support and temporary safe shelters and aims to strengthen the social position of women in the long term. The aim of the ADC is to empower women economically and to lend weight to their right to physical integrity. Austria is currently supporting 23 ongoing projects from the Foreign Disaster Fund that help protect women and girls from violence.

At the international level, Austria is continuously committed to the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, a Council of Europe convention to combat violence against women and domestic violence, by as many Council of Europe member states as possible, but also by the EU itself. Austria will continue to work to combat gender-based violence in all its forms, because the rights of women and girls are human rights.


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