Bregenzer Festspiele
Floating stage “Seebühne” © Pixabay
For this #WahrzeichenWednesday we're returning to #Vorarlberg for the Bregenzer Festspiele. Taking place in Bregenz, the capital of the Austrian province of Vorarlberg, the stages for the festival are built directly on Lake Constance #Bodensee, a lake shared by Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. The performing arts festival is particularly famous for its colossal, floating stages and extravagant and creative sets. The #Seebühne floating stage offers 7000 seats in an open-air amphitheater located right at the water's edge. Operas and musical productions are usually performed at the Seebühne but the Bregenzer Festspiele also offer a number of indoor stages for concerts, theater, and various other dramatic performances. The Bregenzer Festspiele take place each year in July and August.
© Österreich Werbung / Popp-Hackner (photo 3); Bregenzer Festspiele / Karl Forster (photo 4, 6); Bregenzer Festspiele / pigrafik (photo 5); Bregenz Tourismus & Stadtmarketing GmbH / Christiane Setz (photo 7); Bregenzer Festspiele / andereart (photo 9)